I've been a long time Nestcam user, back when it was a dropcam acutally! Our first purchase was made before Makoa was born as we intended to use it as a baby monitor. It has worked wonderfully for that purpose, and we discovered many more uses these cameras can have around our house.
We are/were so pleased with the product and its functionality (recording clips from your phone app, 2 way microphone, clarity of videos, high quality night vision, zoom function, just to name a few) that over the last 2.5 years we've added 7 more Nest products to our home.
We now have a total of six Nest indoor cameras, two Nest outdoor cameras and the Nest Thermostat. Two of the indoor cameras are used as baby monitors, and the other ones are used throughout the house for several purposes, including security and to communicate with our kids (or to catch them, well... being kids and pushing the limits). You know that EASY button on those staples commercials? This is the equivalent of that when you're in the middle of dinner, the baby had a blow out, the toddler is clinging to your leg and everything on the stove top is burning or boiling over. I don't have the time (nor would it be safe) to leave the kitchen to find one of my older kids. And the layout of our house is such that yelling for them at the top of my lungs doesn't work either (but, does it ever, with any parent...) So these have been a really nice addition to our house and our family.
In my area, the Nest Thermostat qualifies you for a $75 PUD rebate AND a $75 PSE rebate if you purchase and install before December 31, 2017. You can check your zip code here to see what you can qualify for!
As much as I'm thrilled to gush about this product, today I'm really writing about exceptional customer support I received, which I find to be somewhat of a rare experience these days. Two of our cameras have been having issues for a few weeks now, and we've tried EVERYTHING to troubleshoot it. I mean, e.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g. under the sun. Nest support has been wonderful with answering my questions, providing trouble shooting links, walking me through some test and so on. Even though we are well outside the warranty period on both of these cameras, tonight Nest informed me that they'd like to replace them for us free of charge- see for yourself!
We are/were so pleased with the product and its functionality (recording clips from your phone app, 2 way microphone, clarity of videos, high quality night vision, zoom function, just to name a few) that over the last 2.5 years we've added 7 more Nest products to our home.
We now have a total of six Nest indoor cameras, two Nest outdoor cameras and the Nest Thermostat. Two of the indoor cameras are used as baby monitors, and the other ones are used throughout the house for several purposes, including security and to communicate with our kids (or to catch them, well... being kids and pushing the limits). You know that EASY button on those staples commercials? This is the equivalent of that when you're in the middle of dinner, the baby had a blow out, the toddler is clinging to your leg and everything on the stove top is burning or boiling over. I don't have the time (nor would it be safe) to leave the kitchen to find one of my older kids. And the layout of our house is such that yelling for them at the top of my lungs doesn't work either (but, does it ever, with any parent...) So these have been a really nice addition to our house and our family.
In my area, the Nest Thermostat qualifies you for a $75 PUD rebate AND a $75 PSE rebate if you purchase and install before December 31, 2017. You can check your zip code here to see what you can qualify for!
As much as I'm thrilled to gush about this product, today I'm really writing about exceptional customer support I received, which I find to be somewhat of a rare experience these days. Two of our cameras have been having issues for a few weeks now, and we've tried EVERYTHING to troubleshoot it. I mean, e.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g. under the sun. Nest support has been wonderful with answering my questions, providing trouble shooting links, walking me through some test and so on. Even though we are well outside the warranty period on both of these cameras, tonight Nest informed me that they'd like to replace them for us free of charge- see for yourself!
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